In today's world, many people in distress are not thinking about the next vacation or weekend getaway...
We would like to provide our support by offering rental at -45% of the price to people in a situation of disasters (refugees, conflicts, ...) or emergencies (end of lease, break-up, etc.). We thus offer accommodation for extraordinary and transient situations, it is in no way a question of offering holidays to people in financial difficulty.
To benefit from this support rate, simply place an order by rental form specifying your situation. It is still possible to reduce the price by agreeing to share the accommodation with other occupants in shared accommodation. Additional services are charged at the regular rate.
Our desire is to offer free accommodation during available periods (in principle excluding weekends) to people in temporary distress who are unable to pay for their rental.
To do this, we are counting on your solidarity through your donations or by supporting our action through the order a gift of your choice. You can also participate in supporting our action by booking your next stay! By your generosity, you get 10% off our entire store for the rest of the year.
The funds raised will allow us to offer free reception to people in need.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
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